Wire, May/June 2012. Vol. 42, issue 03

1) Up front: the night-crossing 2) Freedom of expression: China’s defiant heart 3) Human rights talk: ‘You can’t just stand there and not act’ 4) World Press Freedom Day: Under pressure 5) A life on hold (poster for film) 6) Policing in Europe: Keeping the peace, beating the peaceful 7) Arms Trade Treaty: Stop the ships of shame 8) Freedom of expression: On the line 9) Indigenous peoples: The making of ‘Children of the jaguar’ 10) Campaigning: The social networkers 11) Good news & updates: Maikel Nabil Sanad; Sudanese youth activists released; 12) Amnesty International Report 2012 13) Worldwide Appeals: Bahrain: opposition activists behind bars: 14 opposition activists; Kyrgyzstan: ‘They have destroyed us’: Azimjan Askarov; Mauritania: Prisoners abducted from their cells: 14 prisoners; Russian Federation: Detained chained and beaten: Islam Umarpashaev; Syria: Activist at risk of torture: Anas al-Shogre; Viet Nam: Internet activist imprisoned: Nguyen Van Ly 15) Postcards: Getting away with murder; Freedom of expression now in China; Time for a bullet-proof Arms Trade Treaty

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