France: Pensioner facing jail term for showing compassion to children

Ahead of the resumption of the trial of Martine Landry, a 73-year-old woman who faces up to five years in prison and a fine of €30,000 for helping two 15-year-old asylum seekers in France, Amnesty International’s Senior Campaigner on Migration, Maria Serrano, said:

“Martine Landry has done nothing wrong and has committed no crime. She simply brought these two young people to a police station so they could be registered and cared for as minors.

Dragging a compassionate pensioner before the court on these surreal charges makes a mockery of justice

Maria Serrano, Amnesty International

“Dragging a compassionate pensioner before the court on these surreal charges makes a mockery of justice. Acts of solidarity should be promoted, not punished.”

“Efforts by individuals and NGOs to help people seeking safety should be lauded, defended and celebrated rather than criminalized. These charges must be dropped.”

“Efforts by individuals and NGOs to help people seeking safety should be lauded, defended and celebrated rather than criminalized

Maria Serrano, Amnesty International

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