Chad: fear of torture / extrajudicial execution: Mahamat Khaled, Mahamat Issak and at least 13 other suspected or known members of the Mouvement pour la Democratie et le Developement (MDD)

AI is concerned about Mahamat Khaled, Mahamat Issak and at least 13 other alleged members of the MDD, an armed opposition group. There were reportedly forcibly repatriated to Chad from Nigeria, where they had been living as political exiles. They are believed to be detained by the security police of the Centre de recherches et de coordination de renseignements (CRCR) in N’Djamena. There are fears for their safety in view of the treatment of over 200 Chadians forcibly returned from Nigeria in February 1992. Many of them were tortured and ill-treated and kept in very harsh conditions: at least three died in detention. The surviving detainees were freed in July 1992 after intervention by the French authorities: none of those detained in February 1992 were ever charged.

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